University of Technology, Arts and Design

Rosa Jiménez Morales

  • Audiovisual Narrative and Visual Composition in Photography teacher
  • Writer and photographer

Writer and photographer. PhD in Communication and Master’s in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature. Has carried out research stays at universities such as Oxford and Goldsmiths. Teaches Creative Writing and Short Story at the Escuela de Escritores de Madrid, and Audiovisual Narrative at the Centro Universitario U-tad.

Has published poems in different anthologies and in the literary magazine Fábula. In 2017 was a finalist in the “Cosecha Eñe” literary contest with the short story ¿Tú no eras la novia de Luis? (Weren’t You Luis’ Girlfriend?) Also the author of the play Colombine, based on the life of Carmen de Burgos. Her essay “The perversion of the elites. The romantization of anorexia” was a finalist for the IV Precio Catarata. She has also been finalist for the prestigious Torrente Ballester Narrative Prize.