International Student Exchange
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International exchange is highly recommended as a differentiating factor in your career. It adds value to your career and is a vital experience that provides enormous personal growth.
U-tad has a very dynamic international program. This program offers our students the opportunity to live a unique exchange experience at our partner universities (both in Europe and the rest of the world.)
We have signed agreements under the umbrella of the Erasmus+ Program, as well as bilateral agreements that facilitate the exchange and credit validation.
The Erasmus+ Program also supports internship exchanges in companies.

Our International Agreements
- Falmouth University (Falmouth, UK)
- University of The West of Scotland (Paisley-Scotland, UK)
- Breda University of Applied Sciences (Breda, Netherlands)
- Nord University (Steinkjer & Levanger, Norway)
- IED (Milan, Italy)
- Universita’ degli Studi di Milano (Milan, Italy)
- Istituto Duofin Art – AANT Accademia delle Arte e Nuove Tecnologie (Rome, Italy)
- Algebra University College (Zagreb, Croatia)
- Haute École Francisco Ferrer (Brussels, Belgium)
- Haute École Albert Jacquard (Namur, Belgium)
- ArtFX (Montpellier, France)
- Epitech (France)
- Hochschule Darmstadt (Darmstadt, Germany)
- Malmö University (Malmö, Sweden)
- Universidade Lusófona (Lisbon, Portugal)
- IPCA, Barcelos (Barcelos, Portugal)
- Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (Braganza, Portugal)
- Vilnius Academy of Arts de Lituania (Vilnius, Lithuania)
- School of Visual Arts (New York, USA)
- Georgia State University (Georgia, USA)
- OCAD University (Toronto, Canada)
- Universidad de Monterrey (Monterrey, Mexico)
- Tecnológico de Monterrey (Monterrey, Mexico)
- Universidad Tecmilenio (Monterrey, Mexico)
- U-ERRE (Monterrey, Mexico)
- Universidad Panamericana (Guadalajara, Mexico)
- UPAEP (Puebla, Mexico)
- Anahuac (Mexico)
- Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Quito, Ecuador)
- Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola (Lima, Peru)
- Toulouse Lautrec (Lima, Peru)
- Beijing Jiatong University of Software Engineering (Beijing, China)
- Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (Suzhou, China)
- Griffith University (Queensland, Australia)
- Sogang University (Seoul, Korea)
- Chung-Ang University (CAU) (Seoul, Korea)
- Soongsil University (Seoul, Korea)
- Shih Chien University (Taipei, Taiwan)
- National Taiwan University of Arts (Taipei, Taiwan)
- Bezalel University (Jerusalem, Israel)
- King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (Thuwal, Saudi Arabia)
Study Exchanges
U-tad students can opt for international study exchanges to complement their education at a foreign university.
If you want to study abroad for a semester, you can apply for an Erasmus+ grant or a bilateral exchange placement at universities with which U-tad has a student exchange agreement.
This type of exchange facilitates the credit validation of previously agreed upon courses. To do so, the student, together with the corresponding academic coordinator, will pre-select the courses that the student can take. They will also confirm a Learning Agreement. This is before enrolling in the courses at the host university.
Steps to follow
Every academic year, the corresponding Call for International Exchange opens with an informative session around the month of November. This session will go over the application procedure and the required documentation, which consists of:
- International Exchange Application
- Learning Agreement
- Academic record
- Language certificate
- 1 picture
When filing the International Exchange Application Form, you will be able to choose 3 destinations, in order of preference. These destinations have different types of Studies Exchanges associated with them:
- Erasmus+: placement at a university belonging to a country of the Erasmus+ Program and with an exchange agreement with U-tad. This exchange is funded by the European Union.
- Bilateral Agreement: placement at an international university with a bilateral exchange agreement with U-tad. This exchange does not have a financial grant.
After the deadline for submitting applications, the International Relations Office will award destinations to applicants, based on the following selection criteria:
- Academic record
- Language level
- Motivation letter
- Special needs
After the award decision has been announced, the interested parties must accept or reject the awarded placement by means of the corresponding document, depending on the type of exchange associated with the destination (Erasmus+/Bilateral), and submit the signed Checklist in line with the following steps.
There will be an Information Day for Nominees, during which all the next steps to prepare for the exchange will be explained.
After destination acceptance, U-tad will present the nominations to the destination universities. These universities will be in charge of the final acceptance of the nominated students according to their own selection criteria and documentation submission deadlines.
Before exchange: | During exchange: | After exchange: |
Important Note on the Learning Agreement
Before leaving for your destination university, you must have signed the Learning Agreement with the corresponding academic coordinator of your degree program. The Learning Agreement specifies the courses to be taken at the host university, as well as their U-tad equivalent. This will depend on the course contents and the number of equivalent credits.
It is up to the nominated student to review the syllabus of their host university courses and to make the first proposal for validation. Accordingly, the student must provide as much information as possible for each course. Without the signed Learning Agreement, credit validation is not guaranteed.
Downloadable Documents
Internship exchange
The international exchange for work placements program is covered by the Erasmus+ Program scholarship scheme. Getting one of these grants allows you get assistance to participate in a formative internship in any country of the Erasmus+ Program. It is the best opportunity to acquire new professional skills, as well as personal and multicultural experiences.
Any student enrolled in an Undergraduate or Graduate program can apply for this grant to partake in curricular or extracurricular internships abroad.
Recent graduates can also do an internship through this program, as long as they apply for their Erasmus+ Internship before graduation.
- The calls for applications for an Erasmus+ Work Placement Grant awards the grant once the student has been accepted in a company. Students have ample time to look for a company if they do not already have one at the time of application (this time limit will appear in the call for applications.)
- For this reason, a list of pre-selected candidates will be published in each call for applications, pending the student’s placement in an international company (U-tad will offer support through the Career Center and the Professional Development Service).
- Students shortlisted for the Erasmus+ internship grant will appear in order of selection according to the established criteria, followed by a waiting list.
- Shortlisted students must be proactive in their search for an internship within a company.
- If a student declines the scholarship, the pre-selection will be made in the order of the waiting list.
- U-tad will shortlist 50% more students than the scholarships awarded to the center in order to ensure the full use of the scholarships by students.
Downloadable Documents
Information of Interest
In this section we will publish the international exchange calls for students. Here you will find all the information and documentation you need to start your international experience.
Course Activities Calendar
Call for applications
Next academic course applications to be announced in December 2021.
Decision of the call for study exchange
Erasmus Charter and Policy
Send an e-mail at to request all documentation needed.