University of Technology, Arts and Design

Marta Labad Arias

  • Drawing and painting teacher
  • Interior designer and ephemeral architecture, architect, artist

Marta Labad holds a degree in Architecture, a graduate, and a Ph.D. in Fine Arts. She studied photography at EFTI and the Rhode Island School of Design (MFA 09), thanks to a Fulbright scholarship. She is an associate editor of the photography and visual culture magazine Archivo Paper Journal and the coordinator of the Archivo Lab program. She has participated in group exhibitions internationally. Her research focuses on two areas: the question of time and work in the contemporary world, through the analysis of artistic practices and work imaginaries in the field of art and visual culture; uses and practices related to contemporary photographic imagery. She has participated as a researcher in several R&D groups that share the methodology of thinking with images.


“Imagen, tiempo y pandemia. Reflexiones desde la cámara oscura digital”. Revista LUR, 2024.

“Slices of time”, en The thing, Photoworks Annual (ed.) Diane Smith. London, Photoworks, 2023. ISBN 978-1903796597.

“Musculaturas hiperconectadas“. Revista Accesos, 2023.

“Trabajos, tiempos, empleos y construcción de subjetividades desde las prácticas artísticas y culturales”, 2022.

“Time matters. Notes on Photography, time and labour”. Archivo Papers Journal, 2022.

“Trabajos de verdad. Un acercamiento a la precariedad, la exclusión social y los futuros en baja resolución desde cuatro novelas gráficas contemporáneas.” Revista Arte y Políticas de identidad, 2022.

“Imágenes de mujeres que trabajan”, Revista Accesos, 2020.

“Tiempos que encogen. Tiempo, precariedad y encogimiento en las prácticas artísticas contemporáneas. Revista Arte y Políticas de identidad, 2018.