University of Technology, Arts and Design


  • DESCRIPTION: The systematic regulation of people with autism is one of the most important milestones to be achieved in order for people with this condition to lead a normal and accessible life in everyday environments in our world. The uncontrolled stress that can be caused by everyday events such as city noise, animal interaction, or confined spaces limits their day-to-day life. Using Virtual Reality as a controlled treatment by a specialist can facilitate such stress management by simulating user-tailored situations. Using bio-indicators, the user’s own physical condition will determine progression in this virtual reality application.
    • Laura Raya (Project Director)
    • José Jesús García Rueda (Project Co-Director)
    • Jesús Mayor (Development Supervisor)
    • Luis Alberto Vázquez (Art Supervisor)
    • Miguel Gazón (Student with an Expert Degree in Development for Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality)
    • Antonio Diaz (Former student with a Master’s in Computer Graphics and Simulation)
    • Nadia Parra (Student with a focus in Professional Animation)
    • Ellis Joel Rivera (Animation student)
  • DEGREE: MS in Graphic Computing, Virtual Reality and Simulation
